Kristian Olsson (ed): GIFTNÅLEN No 1
2nd 2024 480pp Korm Plastics hardback. Illustrated. NEW.
Anthology dealing with all kinds of apocalyptic culture, anarchic rants, archaic sorcery, damned poets, esoterrorist tactics, forbidden knowledge, libertine lusts, necromantic collages, oneiric musings, outlaw occultism, perversion, sinister arts and visual expansionism.
Giftnålen is the foul arts journal for death-obsessed brutes and society’s outcasts. Harking back to the days of the late 1980s-early 1990s in terms of diversity of content, drawing inspiration from underground books & publications such as Amok, Esoterra, Exit, Force Mental, Pandemonium, Rapid Eye Movement, Svarta Fanor and so on.